Private mail settings

Scanning through your mail areas, wondering if anybody wrote you a message to you can become quite a tedious job if you subscribe to lots of areas. And then there all the areas that pass through your system but aren't imported, so you'll never know if somebody isn't desperately trying to give you that "change of a lifetime <tm>" (Starting to feel a little paranoid?)

Well fear no more! Simply select "Private mail options" from the System Configuration menu. Choose what kind of message base you want to use to store those private messages, or select NONE to disable all private mail copying. Make sure you enter a correct path for the base! You need to enter a directory name for *.MSG or a complete path plus filename (without extension!) for JAM and Squish.

WaterGate is capable of scanning for messages TO or FROM a certain user, or with a certain SUBJECT. Comparisons are case-insensitive, so 'Spock', 'SPOCK' and 'SpOcK' should all work OK.

The search strings you enter don't have to match what you're searching for completely. For example, "Ramon" will find all messages, either to my e-mail address, or my munged address, or even when somebody uses my name (even misspelled) in a subject, like "What I think about Ramona". If the search string you enter can be found in the searched lines, then you have a match.

The matching messages are completely copied into the message base, preceded by a short notice that the message was copied.

The private mail scan searches incoming netmail, echomail, mail, and news. Messages that are leaving your message bases are not scanned, although certain constructions might cause a hit on those messages as well.

It is also possible to decode files from messages written to the message base connected to this private scan area. This is currently limited to *.MSG only though.

You configure the Private Mail Scan in the following screen:

Private Mail Scan

An interesting use for the private mail scan option is to copy all messages to you and enable decoding of enclosed files.

This way, you primary netmail area is not scanned and files are not decoded for users that are not even on your system.

Set the option "Decode files" to YES and enter a path to the directory where to store the decoded files.

WaterGate can decode uu-encoded, xx-encoded and MIME base64 encoded messages.

Log file settings

WaterGate is capable of logging a lot of things. Not only error messages, but also progress of tossing for both FidoNet and UUCP. These progress log lines can take up an awful lot of log file and you might not even be interested in them at all.

If you select "Logfile settings" from the "System Configuration" sub-menu of WtrConf, then you can toggle various logging information generators on and off.

If you want to debug your WaterGate configuration, you can choose to set the Debug option to YES, which will automatically enable all other options you can set.

Currently, you can disable a number of 16 or so of the log file information generators, but more option are added every now and then.


The administrator user maintains the WaterGate program and the flow of messages. In case of trouble, the administrator should solve things.

To support a "remote" administrator, the administrator address was built in. You can either have a UUCP style administrator or FidoNet style administrator, which require different addresses.

At this moment, you can only use the administrator to send it a copy of the part of the log file that was last added by the wtrgate.exe program.

In future, it will be possible to use the administrator to help WaterGate in its decisions on where to send mail messages, and possible to edit the configuration.

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Last updated 13 October 1996